Trader's Weekly Planner

Week of September 18, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

News Events 

  • 1000 Home Builder Confidence Index (Sep)

  • 1600 US Net Long0Term TIC Flows (Jul)


Notable Earnings



Tuesday, September 19, 2023


News Events

  • 0830 BuildingPermits (Aug)

  • 0830 Housing Starts (Aug)


Notable Earnings 



Wednesday, September 20, 2023


News Events

  • 0700 US MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate

  • 1030 US EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change

  • 1400 Fed Interest Rate Decision

  • 1430 Fed Chair Powell Press Conference


Notable Earnings 

Before the Open: 

  • General Mills (GIS)


After the Close :

  • FedEx (FDX)

  • KB Home (KBH)


Thursday, September 21, 2023


News Events

  • 0830 Initial Jobless Claims

  • 0830 Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey (Sept)

  • 0830 US Current Account Deficit (Q2)

  • 1000 US Leading Economic Indicators (Aug)

  • 1000 Existing Homes Sales (Aug)


Notable Earnings 

Before the Open: 

  • Darden Restaurants (DRI)


After the Close :

  • n/a


Friday, September 22, 2023


News Events

  • 0850 Fed Gov. Lisa Cook Speaks

  • 0945 S&P Flash US Services PMI

  • 0945 S&P Flash US Manufacturing PMI

  • 1300 Minneapolis Fed Pres. Neel Kashkari Speaks

  • 1300 San Francisco Fed Pres. Mary Daly Speaks


Notable Earnings 



Indices Data:


Percentage of Stocks Above Moving Average (20 Day, 50 Day, 100 Day & 200 Day)


DJIA: 50%, 33.3%, 53.3%, 53.3%


S&P 500: 44.5%, 32.6%, 49.1%, 50.1%


NASDAQ 100: 48.5%, 42.6%, 53.5%, 68.3%


Market Notes:




Editor’s Notes:

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Or if you have any suggestions on how we can improve it, please drop us a note at: [email protected]. Thanks, good luck and go get ‘em!!


Email Disclaimer:

The Trader’s Weekly Planner emails are NOT trade alerts to buy or sell. I am not a financial advisor nor a CPA. The above information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are soley your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research and independently verify any of the above information. I am merely sharing my opinion, research and/or investigation of publically available sources, with no guarantee of accuracy, or guarantee of gains or losses on investments.